Case Studies & Testimonials

See the difference we have made in other companies.

A Few Bad Apples:  Personnel Problems Will Affect The Whole Team


  • Staff not getting their tasks done
  • Lack of consideration for other employees needs with work flow
  • Gossip
  • Disrespect for supervisors
  • Resistance to directives
  • Inappropriate communication – verbal and written


Group session that focused on accountability and responsibility – it was essential that staff understood what is negotiable and what is non-negotiable in the workplace and job descriptions.  Each team member learned and understood how their words and actions impacted others and the trickle-down effect this creates.  Staff learned that some directives are from headquarters and discussion needs to be about how to get the job done.

Management shared their concern and need for change in the workplace, not for financial reasons but for respect and consideration amongst long standing employees.  This encouraged a safe and supportive learning space where blame was not the theme.


Staff are now more open to stating problems and situations where work completion is an issue or assistance is needed.  A clearer understanding of accountability allows for work flow processes to be efficient and timely.  Reporting is done on a consistent and regular basis to ensure higher level measures are achieved and not a contentious issue.

Employees have stopped talking about issues and problems that are not theirs.  They also reduced the amount of time they listen to others gossip so it does not hinder their ability to get their work done.

At atmosphere of support is felt and employees don’t hesitate to connect with their coworkers and supervisors.

Decreased Productivity in a Public Service Company


There was a definite clash amongst employees, regardless of title or position.  This workplace was not unionized and there were no processes available to discipline when actions flew just below the radar.  Frustrations ran high and medical leaves due to stress were commonplace.  There was also the tendency to move employees to other teams as a means to resolve problems.

The work was not getting done, deadlines were missed and shifts were understaffed on a regular basis.  The morale was poor and cliques began to form based on common issues or alliances.


Management meetings were held to describe the problems in the workplace and understand the limitations of workplace policies.  Staff meetings were held to contemplate a different perspective on the problems in the workplace and their ideas for resolution and change.

A two day retreat was scheduled to provide education and skills for the management staff.  The intent of the program was to give managers the knowledge about people, generations and personalities so they could be effective leaders.  There was the need to provide them with tools and techniques necessary to communicate and manage their staff better.


There were many revelations during the training and managers seemed to “get it”.  Their new understanding includes: 1) not everyone thinks the way they do and 2) regardless of title or status, individual perspectives will differ and this uniqueness should not be squashed by rank.  There are far fewer sick days and leaves as well as much less team shifting unless solutions are attempted internally first.

The levels of retention are improved and general workplace satisfaction is measurably increased on evaluations and assessments.  Managers are also reporting a great ease in their work and much higher job satisfaction with less conflict and tension.  They also report increased levels of confidence while doing their work and supervising other.

Customer Service Sacrificed in a Health & Wellness Company


  • Staff was frustrated with poor communication practices
  • Employees did not pay attention to details and completion of work tasks
  • Avoiding certain places and people in the workplace because of conflict
  • Disappointment with supervisor’s leadership and clarity
  • Feeling of anxiety because of unpredictable mood changes


An employee questionnaire where staff could confidentially describe the problems they had at work with colleagues and managers.  They could clearly identify the challenges and problems that got in the way of being able to complete their work.  This also impacted their ability to offer good customer service with a smile and pleasant attitude.

A two part training session for all staff that focused on improving two way communication, the responsibility of each employee to identify problems and explore solutions as well as how to resolve historical problems between people so it does not affect everyday abilities and mood.

Individual meetings were held with the manager to provide strategies and tools for improving interaction, implementing better business processes and creating an atmosphere of inclusion in the workplace.


The staff now focus on their work and customer service better because they realized that some problems did not belong to them.  They are able to implement healthy attitudes and boundaries so the problems remained with the people involved.

Product sales have increased because the commission structure was amended and the staff enjoy showcasing their services and workplace much better.  Customer bookings and appointments are up because employees encourage repeat business and the atmosphere is enjoyable.  Staff turnover in administrative positions has slowed to provide better consistency.

For more information, contact Pam Paquet & Associates Performance Management at:
Cell: (604) 349-8660
