Business CoachingBusiness Coaching

Improve business success by educating and supporting the movers and shakers.

The purpose of this service is to teach owners and  managers the skills and tools to create solutions and produce better business results. One on one coaching focuses on improving strategies, solving problems and developing skills.

In this program participants work with a coach to learn new skills, incorporate new concepts to address problem areas and learn best practices. The goal is to achieve consistency and predictability amongst management so staff feel comfortable and confident no matter what the problem and who they ask for guidance.

The structure of this program boasts consistency as well as flexibility.  Each coaching service requires bi-weekly video-conference or telephone meetings over a 4 month commitment.  Each coaching session is 50 minutes where the focus is on problems, solutions and change.  Learning and implementation are key to ensure change in thinking, behaviour and leadership.

The actions within each session can vary from skill building, strategy development,
brainstorming ideas, practicing scenarios or finding balance. The client drives the session based on the current need while the coach requests accountability and action.  A true partnership that builds skills and confidence through challenge, support and education to create change and improve success.

If creating a better management team is better achieved through one-on-one business coaching, then this program is a great fit. If you have read this far, then you are eager to create change in your company with confidence knowing that support, learning and practice are available.  Contact us at 604-349-8660 or to discuss your suitability for this program.

For more information, contact Pam Paquet & Associates Performance Management at:
Cell: (604) 349-8660    E-mail: